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Here are five fantastic advantages to getting a Sienna X bronzed glow:

  • Cover up blemishes. Even the lightest layer of spray tan camouflages unsightly marks on the skin from pimples and scars to blackheads and eczema.

  • Look slimmer. A darker shade of tanner highlights the natural contours of the body by drawing attention to existing muscle tone, the cheek bones and decolletage. Spray tanning is useful for men too, especially if they want to define their abdominal muscles and create the illusion of a longer and leaner physique by contouring around the pectorals.

  • Showcase a healthy-looking complexion. A caramel colour brightens up the skin tone and balances out uneven pigmentation on the face and body. It also covers up redness on the cheeks, hides visible blood vessels and tones down the appearance of skin conditions like rosacea. For men, regular spray tanning covers up shaving cuts and nicks.

  • Moisturise the skin. The skin-conditioning ingredients in Sienna X tanning solutions nourish, moisturise and protect the skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple and smooth. Plus, because you’re bypassing the sunbed and steering clear of the harmful UV rays emitted by the sun, your honey-coloured tan is super safe!

  • Wear less make up. When your skin is gorgeously golden, your complexion bright and your skin tone even there’s little need to wear extra make up! Spray tanning allows your skin to breathe and gives you the opportunity to take a break from the drying effects of harsh concealers and foundation.

To make sure you get the most out of your tan, follow our top tips here.

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