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Dur­ing IPL treat­ments, short pulses of intense light are emit­ted from an appli­ca­tor onto your skin. Spe­cific wave­lengths of light tar­get bac­te­ria in the skin, as well as inflamed seba­ceous glands that con­tribute to break­outs, greatly reducing the total number and severity of active lesions, and lessening the inflammation and occurrence of break-outs.


The light stimulates the production of new collagen to improve skin texture, and can also reduce the appearance of red or brown areas of skin that are often associated with acne breakouts

Acne scar­ring can affect both the colour and tex­ture of the skin. Scar­ring also often cre­ates uneven pig­men­ta­tion in the form of red­ness or dark spots. Because Intense Pulsed Light can tar­get pig­ment cells , IPL treat­ments can be effec­tive for evening out dis­col­oration, which may reduces the vis­i­bil­ity of acne scars and gives the appear­ance of a more uni­form skin sur­face. Please note that IPL will not smooth out raised scars or decrease the depth of indented scars.

Intense Pulsed Light treat­ments are suitable for most people, however darker skinned people or individuals with a heavy sun tan, should not receive IPL treatment as you may expe­ri­ence hyper­pig­men­ta­tion from IPL.  Also if you are pregnant, suffer from photosensitive epilepsy  or have been recently treated with the med­ica­tion Accu­tane, please seek medical advice before starting IPL treatments.

​How does the AW3® system work for Acne?

The AW3® treatment works by directing well-controlled pulses of light into the upper skin layer. The light is absorbed by the body’s own natural chemical – haemoglobin – in the blood vessels that feed the sebaceous glands. The AW3® treatment works by reducing the blood supply to the sebaceous gland, which slows down production of the body oil sebum.

The haemoglobin converts the light energy into heat, which damages the walls of the vessels supplying blood to the glands. This technique has the name “Selective Photothermolysis”.

The visible light produced by the AW3® systems is carefully controlled to produce the correct pulse length and right amount of energy to reduce the acne without damaging the surrounding tissue.




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